1. How To Install Python IDLE & Other IDEs

Python is a programming language which is widely used in the world, Every day its users are increasing in huge amounts. we will learn how to install Python Official IDLE and then PyCharm, Spyder on windows because we highly recommend these interpreters when working with python, for better user interaction with many features for easier and faster coding 🙌.

Python IDLE – Official

Step -1

Download the latest version of python from here or choose the suitable version for you, if you want – https://www.python.org/downloads/

Step – 2

Now click on the downloaded file which is executable .EXE file.

Don’t forget to check the two boxes –  “install launcher for all users python” & “Add Python <your_version> to path”, and then click on “Install Now”, it will start the installation process.

The installation process will take a few minutes to complete everything and after that, you will see “Setup was successful” on the screen.

Other Python IDE – PyCharm, Spyder

We highly recommend you to use these IDEs as an alternative to the official IDLE of python because these IDEs have much more feature, like –  editing source code, building executables, prediction for fast coding debugging, and etc.


PyCharm is an Python IDE for Professional Developers, which is specially made for Python programming languages. It has a lot more features than others and is also user-friendly, we recommend that you use this IDE for any Python project.


Download the latest version of PyCharm from here – https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/. You can choose the Professional (paid) version or the Community (free) version as per your requirement and also you can choose any suitable version if you need

Step – 2

Now click on the downloaded file which is executable .EXE file.

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